Scripture says that those with a blameless life can enter God’s presence (Psalm 15:2) Imagine entering heaven and approaching God’s throne. Picture yourself as you kneel at His feet and bask in the joy of His presence. All the struggles of life fade away as you praise Him who sits on the throne.
Do you long to enter God’s holy presence and joyfully worship at His feet? According to Psalm 15:2, those whose “walk is blameless” may dwell in God’s sanctuary and live on His holy hill. I long to enter God’s presence, but I’m not sure I would describe myself as “blameless.” Would you?
What does it mean to be blameless?
According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, the Hebrew word translated as “blameless” in Psalm 15:2 describes a person with “nothing in his outward activities or internal disposition that is odious to God.”
Good definition, but that’s too general for me to get my mind around. I need some specifics about what a “blameless” life looks like. Thankfully, the Bible tells us. Psalm 15 and 101 describe a blameless life (Read them now if you have time. They are not long.) The following list of characteristics is derived from these two psalms of David. (Also see “5 Benefits of Living a Holy Life.”)
10 Characteristics of a Blameless Person
- She practices praise – Regularly contemplate the holy nature of God. Recognizing His worthiness will not only foster praise, we will also be moved to obedience.
- She lives with integrity at home – Sometimes we fail to purposefully watch our words and actions at home like we do other places. We tend to let our guard down; to allow our first, sinful instincts to rule. We need to be as careful at home as we are away from home.
- She turns away from everything vile or vulgar – “Blameless” woman do not compromise with the sinful ways of the world. We don’t allow ourselves to become desensitized to immorality, crudeness, or risqué humor by watching it, reading it, or listening to it. For a sad example, read this post “Holiness is not a Shade of Grey.”
- She ruthlessly guards against evil thoughts and behavior – We must proactively rid our lives of every thought and action contrary to the nature and character of God.
- She does not use her words to tear down others – Our speech should be edifying and encouraging. That doesn’t mean everything we need to say will be easy. But it does mean it will be helpful to the hearer.
- She does not collaborate with ungodly, wicked people – The only way to never encounter ungodly people is to leave this life and transfer to heaven. However, we can choose not to enter into agreements, projects, or business dealings with people whose worldview is not Christ-centered.
- She embraces honesty – Satan is the father of lies. Anytime we are less than honest we have yielded to the tempter! Let’s commit to total honesty in our own lives and conduct. We should also expect honesty from the people around us and distance ourselves from those who refuse to be honest.
- She does not seek gain that brings harm to others – God wants us to use our God-given skills, talents, and gifts to support the Kingdom, serve others, and provide for ourselves and our families. However, any effort for gain or advancement that takes advantage of others is sinful.
- She squashes pride and conceit – Pride fosters an abundance of sin. Those who want to live blameless before God will seek humility by keeping both God and ourselves in proper perspective.
- She helps, encourages, and protects the godly – God calls us to serve others and meet the needs of those who cannot help themselves. Do we respond when they cross our paths?
This may not be a complete list of “blameless” characteristics, but it’s a start. Let’s keep searching God’s Word, applying what He shows us, and enjoying His holy presence!
Which of these 10 characteristics do you struggle with the most? Why is that, do you think?
You may also be interested in my 8-week Bible study “Embraced by Holiness: The Path to God’s Daily Presence.”
For a sad example, read my recent post “Holiness is not a Shade of Grey.”
HOW is this not blaming?
Aeon, thanks for your question. The focus of this post is our own desire to live a life that is holy and pure, a life that could be considered “blameless.” You’re asking about our interaction with other believers concerning their lives. I actually dealt with this question in another post titled “To Judge or Not to Judge.” Feel free to check it out!
thanx good words God bless
Thank you for this post!!?
This is very dangerous.
Beautifully said. And 100% TRUTH. Thank you.
I’m soo glad I came across this. Was doing a mini Bible study and couldn’t get a hold of what it meant to be blameless. Thank you!
So glad it helped!!
Thank you and God bless you. I will say am still struggling with all the 10 charcteristics. But I pray that Holyspirit will help me to become blameless in Jesus name Amen
Came across your site today! Very good info on Being Blameless, thank you !
To be blameless I always thought it was to obey God’s Word. But this is very general. God’s word is extensive. I am glad you went further in the description and broke it down so we can all understand it in a more practical way. On how the character of a Christian woman should be. Thank you
This is a very highly inspirational message. I aspire to have all the characteristics and I pray the Holy Spirit to continue to guide and guard me so my feet will not slip. Thanks so much!
Wow! I landed on this just on
time. Thank you for explaining all that God wanted me to understand.
thanks so much for this inspirational message.
I was on meditating psalms 101when the blameless strike out my attention, went onto google to search and sis Kathy had it more expound, thanks for your inspired web. In this world at large, if anyone see a man whose blameless in life, should immediately take him as his mentor then later I see him as minister of the Lord. I believe it’s a process from conversion to a fully mature Christian.
Thank you for the insight in the word of God about being blameless.
Thanks for coming by!