My name is Kathy and I don’t have a life verse. And I feel like I just might be the only Christian on the planet who doesn’t.
What is a “life verse?”
According to the Dictionary of Christianese, a “life verse” is a “specific Bible verse that a Christian believes to be specially representative or predictive of his or her life. Many Christians regard their life verse as an inspirational motto or lifelong mission statement.”
Why do people choose a life verse?
Honestly, I’m really not sure. As far as Christian history goes, it’s a fairly recent practice – like in just the last 100 years. As far as I have been able to determine, there is no biblical principle to support choosing a life verse. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong, or a bad thing to do, but it could be more trendy than spiritual.
If you’re considering choosing a life verse, you can get all kinds of help online. For instance, you can learn how to find your life verse. Then if you’re still having trouble narrowing the more than 31,000 down to just one, here are 20 suggestions! Still at a loss? You can take this quiz to determine what yours should be! But the article I like the most was this sarcastic one on “Stuff Christians Like.”
Right now I don’t see a need to choose one verse that defines, directs, or represents my life. However, that doesn’t mean concentrating on a specific verse or passage for a period of time is a bad thing. But I do think you should proceed with caution.
4 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Life Verse
- All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for our lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12-13) – Yes, some verses and passages have greater impact at certain times in our lives. For instance, if we are in a season of grief and loss we may want to memorize verses about God’s comfort and peace. But God’s Word has value for all things – the whole Word of God, not just a piece. Why would we even attempt to narrow it down to one verse!
- One verse or passage can easily be misapplied – We cannot correctly understand one verse apart from its context in the greater passage. Pulling one out on its own can be dangerous. For instance, in the list of 20 life verses mentioned above, Philippians 4:13 was at the top of their list. “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Sounds good, doesn’t it? I see it on t-shirts, coffee mugs, and wall plagues all the time. But I imagine most people take this verse out of context. When we read the larger passage, we discover that Paul was writing about finding contentment even in the most dire of circumstances. Yet we often claim this verse as a promise that God will empower us to tackle any big task or great thing we want to take on.
- Only God knows the future – It seems if we take this life verse thing really seriously that we just could get the cart before the horse. What I mean is this – if we choose one verse as a statement for our life, we could easily fall into choosing a verse that reflects our life rather than working to make our life reflect God’s Word.
- It’s easy to make ourselves the focus – Often choosing a life verse seems to be a lot about “me,” and not so much God. Many times, it’s about what makes us feel good or reflects what we want to do for God.
Yes, there are times when I’ve spent days or weeks or more focusing on one passage of Scripture. There are specific verses I hold dear because God has used them to teach me something huge or impact me in a significant way. And I fully expect that to continue. But for now, there’s no “life verse” for me.
Would love for you to chime in. “Yes” or “no” to a life verse and why!
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You aren’t the only one without a life verse!
I need it ALL!! haha!!
I’ve certainly thought about it over the years, but it would change way too often for me to keep up with.
So, whatever I need from day to day, that’s my day verse.
Kela, I need it all too!
Spot on, Kathy. Years ago a verse jumped out at me that I decided was God speaking directly to me about that time in my life and I made it into a life verse. Truth is, thinking it was from God made me feel significant, important, and a cut above the rest. It probably wasn’t even a “word from the Lord” in the first place. While it appeared to come to pass, in retrospect, it didn’t at all. For years I worked toward it – hear that – as a goal only to find very little fruit from it and myself totally bored. Now, over 20 years later, I still find myself still inadequate for the task. By inadequate, I mean that I don’t feel called to do it and therefore would be unsuccessful. Instead of leadership as a vocation and calling, I have realized that I am called to be faithful in obscurity. God knows I’d be tripped up by my pride were I to be well-known and sought-out.
Diane, thank you for being transparent and sharing this with us!
You are not alone. While I have several verses that I use to help me stay focus, like Proverbs 3:5 & 6. or several in Philippians, I don’t have just ONE. there are just to many good ones that I depend on to help me through the struggles of life. Thank you for sharing these thoughts on it. I love reading your posts.
I thought I was the only one without a life verse! As it has been said I need them all! I do have some favorite that I keep in front of me as reminders to myself that God is in control of each and every situation and I need to ‘Be still and know that He is God.’ Psalm 46:10 Sometimes I want to try and ‘fix’ the problem or situation myself and do not always wait on Him and seek Him.
Hi Karen! I also have quite a few verses that God keeps before me often. For instance Galatians 2:20 – “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” God uses this verse frequently to remind me what a life following Jesus looks like. But there are so many other verses that He brings up in different circumstances and seasons of life. I feel in a way that choosing one “life verse” would be a bit like trying to limit what God wants to do in my life.
Kathy, I need every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. I believe all Scripture is inspired and God breathed. I am in the Word reading, and studying every day and the Holy Spirit teaches and reminds me of His Word. Out Lord uses the Scripture I have memorized bringing it to my mind. .Memorizing Scripture has been for me a wonderful tool. All by His grace! I need HIM, the Word, the whole counsel of God all the time. I have a verse from Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever.” It is a special signature on all my outgoing emails as a witness. Thank you for being obedient and serving the body of Christ.
I do have a Life Verse that has not changed for many years. It is Isaiah 40:31 – but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. For over 50 years, I have been challenged with health problems stemming from being diagnosed with Lupus at age 19. To me, this verse describes the unfailing love and enablement God has given me. It is a song of praise in my heart!
That’s a beautiful song to sing! Praise God for His provision in your life!