Tips for spiritual fitness this summerSummer is almost here! For many of us, that means a break from the usual routines of school, work, and other responsibilities. We sleep in, take time off to be with family, and even get away on vacations and long weekends. Life seems to slow. Regular weekly activities – like sports, lessons, and Bible study groups – go on hiatus until fall.

All of this is great for our families, our bodies, and our human relationships. But unfortunately, the change of pace often throws even the most disciplined among us off kilter spiritually.

Because of the weird schedule, regular Bible study and quite time sometime get set aside. Even church attendance gets spotty due to travel. But rather than feeling guilty or giving up altogether, let’s work with the season instead.

4 Tips to Stay Spiritually Fit this Summer

The following 4 tips include lots of great resources to help you take advantage of the summer schedule and keep spiritually fit:

  1. Summer Bible Reading Plan – Use a plan that’s short-term and gives you some breathing room!
  2. Family Devotions – Since you’ll probably be getting away with your family this summer, make good use of that time together. Download this 7-Day Family Devotional Guide to use on that next road trip or family vacation. The guide includes a Scripture passage to read, very brief commentary, and 3-4 discussion questions to get the family talking!
  3. Online Bible study and community – Many of you participate in Bible study groups throughout the fall and spring, but most of these groups don’t meet during the summer. Rather than neglecting Bible study until September, make use of one of the these great online opportunities.
  4. Podcasts – Many churches make their pastor’s sermons available for listening through the church website. If your church doesn’t, you can listen to many great preachers and teachers from wherever your summer travels happen to take you. Here are a few of my favorites:

    Summer doesn’t have to mean a spiritual setback! Just temporarily change the way you do things. I would love to hear how you and your family incorporate spiritual disciplines into your summer schedule.

    Let’s share now! How do you stay spiritually fit during the summer months?

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Kathy Howard
Tips for spiritual fitness this summer
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