Do you have a regular “quiet time,” a purposeful time spent alone with God to hear from Him and share your heart? Sometimes the busyness of life derails our good intentions. We may need to “unchoose” a few things so we can choose God.
Some circumstances of life – like caregiving and mothering young children – make carving out space for a regular quiet time more difficult. But with a bit of creativity you can claim some time, even if it’s just a few moments here and there. (See this post for tips to help you move your quiet time from “want to” to “get to.)
And some of us who were once devoted to our daily quiet time may have realized we slowly fell away from this spiritual discipline until it’s no longer our regular habit. An abbreviated day here and a missed day there, and the next thing we know a regular time with God is a thing of the past.
5 Reasons to Start Your Quiet Time
If you’re still reading this post, you probably realize the value of having a regular quiet time. But here’s a quick summary of just a few reasons that make spending time with God so worth the effort.
- Greater knowledge of God
- Deeper intimacy in our relationship with Him
- Better understanding of His will for our lives
- Opens our hearts and minds to God’s refining work
- Positions us to experience God’s comfort, encouragement, peace, and joy
7 Tips to Start or Start Again
Developing a quiet time habit takes intentionality and disciplined effort over time. Some days you won’t feel like it and that’s okay. When you choose God, He will honor your obedience. The following are a few tips to help you succeed with your new commitment.
- Decide on the best time of day for you– I love starting my day in the Word, but I am a morning person. You know yourself. The important thing is not the time of day, but the time you spend with Him. Maybe it’s your lunch break at work. Maybe it’s after the kids are in bed. But find a time with minimal interruptions when you will be alert.
- Pick a regular spot– Find a place where you can be comfortable and have privacy. Over time, this spot will feel special because it’s where you meet with God. Keep this place as free from distractions as possible.
- Don’t overcommit– Set yourself up for success. In our excitement, we may set lofty goals like spending an hour every morning or reading the Bible through in 90 days. Instead, start with what you feel you can do and then build on it. Perhaps you start by committing to 15 minutes a day, 4 days a week. After that becomes a successful habit, add time or add a day.
- Pick a reading plan– Haphazard reading only sets you up for failure. You are more apt to read if you know in advance where you’ll be reading. Your plan can be as simple as choosing a book of the Bible to read through. Or you can choose a reading plan. I have several on my Free Resources There are also apps that offer reading plans, and even Bibles that include reading plans. There are also groups on social media that offer reading plans and Bible study for community. For instance, check out the Bible Study Hub and Reading the Bible Together on Facebook.
- Gather your supplies– It’s not unspiritual to plan and prepare for success. Paul wrote to Timothy that he must “train himself for godliness.” Our spiritual growth and relationship with God require diligence and discipline. Gather your tools – Bible, pen, journal, etc. – and keep them together so you are ready to go each day.
- Set a reminder or alarm– You may need to remind yourself of your new commitment, particularly in the beginning. Whether it’s getting up 15 minutes earlier or limiting TV or social media time, we can all benefit from a little nudge.
- Give yourself grace– Legalism will push the joy out of our relationship with Christ. Yes, we want to do everything we can to honor our commitment to spend time with Him, but sometimes life gets in the way. When your daily time in the Word and prayer doesn’t happen, simply try again tomorrow!
Do you have a regular quiet time? If so, what helps you stay committed? If not, what changes can you make to help it happen?
A few other posts you may find helpful:
I try to have a quiet time in the morning
That’s when I do as well. Are you regularly successful?
With little ones I grab a quick 10min devo in the morning (usually the Bible app preselected verse) and then by the grace of God, and cause I need it, I get in several 5min quiet time/reconnect with God times thru out the day. Maybe like once a week I get in a feast (like a twenty min devo time) but that’s pretty much the max right now in this season of life.
Pam, I admire your commitment to do what you can and to not give up even though it’s hard!
I have my quiet time in the morning
Thank you for mentioning how your spiritual practices should be performed in a place where you will not be disturbed. My wife is interested in praying more often since our oldest son is currently in the hospital due to respiratory complications, but she often mentions that she has a difficult time staying focused on one thing at a time. Maybe I should find a way to help her stay more spiritually disciplined.
I also have trouble staying focused while I pray. Journaling my prayers helps me tremendously. Maybe that would help your wife too!