Was Jesus really the promised Messiah of the Old Testament? Christians observe Christmas to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus. But why? Why is the birth of one baby so significant? Christians recognize that the babe born in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago was...
What comes to mind when you first hear “Christmas?” You may feel overwhelmed by the busyness of shopping, cooking, and cleaning that often fills this time of year. Or, you may happily anticipate the decorating, parties, cookie exchanges, and plethora of...
So, how well do you know the real Christmas story? Can you separate biblical truth from pure fiction? Many “facts” we think we know about Jesus’ birth are not really factual at all. Centuries of tradition and even popular culture have affected the way we view the...
Christmas is less than two weeks away. You may be “not even started,” “all done!” or somewhere in between. But wherever you are in that process, it’s not too late to take some time to focus on Who we celebrate. And I want to help. MY GIFT...
A few years ago, while speaking at a ladies’ Christmas event, something significant happened. As I began to read portions of the Christmas story from my Bible, I discovered I did not need it. The words flowed from memory – KJV style. “Being great with...
The Christmas season has officially begun. More than likely, activities like shopping, baking, and gift wrapping fill your December to-do list. If we aren’t purposeful, all the holiday activity can easily overshadow the reason we celebrate. I have a challenge...
Titus Bible Study
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