Scripture doesn’t say how often I should read the Bible. God hasn’t prescribed a set number of days per week or a specific amount of time. There’s no eleventh commandment that reads “Thou shalt read the Bible five days a week for twenty minutes.” (Also see “Why are...
According to the 2024 State of the Bible report by the American Bible Society, 53% of Americans want to read the Bible more often. So why don’t they? The top two reasons Christians consistently cite for not reading their Bibles more often are 1) lack of time and...
So, how well do you know the real Christmas story? Can you separate biblical truth from pure fiction? Many “facts” we think we know about Jesus’ birth are not really factual at all. Centuries of tradition and even popular culture have affected the way we view the...
We talk a lot about having a quiet time with God, but not as much about what it is or what it looks like. Although the term isn’t in the Bible, Jesus modeled it for us. Christians use the phrase “quiet time” to describe that regular, intentional time...
Many Christian women today run hard and fast all day long. Whether you are a full-time mom, have a demanding career, or balance work and family, it can be hard to find even a few minutes to sit with quietly with God, read His Word, and pray. Some days there’s...
Do you struggle with prayer? Many of us do. Even Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Jesus’ response, found in both Luke and Matthew, is commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. But some biblical scholars suggest it would be more accurately...
Titus Bible Study
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