Regular time in God’s Word is necessary for our spiritual growth. But consistent Bible reading and study won’t happen without a plan. I’d like to help. Keep reading for several opportunities to keep you growing in 2025. Deep Rooted Devotionals Feel...
What comes to mind when you first hear “Christmas?” You may feel overwhelmed by the busyness of shopping, cooking, and cleaning that often fills this time of year. Or, you may happily anticipate the decorating, parties, cookie exchanges, and plethora of...
So. Many. Choices. Really, why do we need so many different Bible translations? Isn’t one enough? Unless we read Hebrew and Greek – the original languages of the Bible – we must choose from the many English translations of the Bible. But there are dozens and...
We talk a lot about having a quiet time with God, but not as much about what it is or what it looks like. Although the term isn’t in the Bible, Jesus modeled it for us. Christians use the phrase “quiet time” to describe that regular, intentional time...
Thanksgiving is almost here. It’s that time of year when we put greater emphasis on being grateful, when we contemplate all God has done and provided. But often we struggle with expressing our gratitude to God. Sometimes we allow the busyness of the season to...
An incredible abundance of Bible study resources is available to us today. Between websites, apps, and good old-fashioned books, we have access to a wide range of resources and information. But resources can also be overwhelming and distracting, and we don’t need them...
Titus Bible Study
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