Connecting words, also known as connectives or linking words, are common words that are easy to overlook when we read and study Scripture. Yet, grammar and sentence structure help us properly understanding a biblical text. In fact, some of the most familiar words can...
Many Christians tell me they listen to the Bible more than they read it. Some listen because they are auditory learners, some because they struggle with reading on some level, but most listen over reading due to busyness. Since time is tight they listen to the Bible...
Okay, I admit it. I used to avoid reading the boring parts of the Bible. Sections like genealogy lists, the greetings at the end of epistles, and many parts of the Old Testament law. Particularly those civil laws like what to do if a neighbor’s ox falls in your pit or...
Scripture doesn’t say how often I should read the Bible. God hasn’t prescribed a set number of days per week or a specific amount of time. There’s no eleventh commandment that reads “Thou shalt read the Bible five days a week for twenty minutes.” (Also see “Why are...
I loved my time in seminary, but I regret one thing. I wish I had studied Greek and Hebrew. Although they were not required for my Masters in Christian Education, I could have taken them as electives. However, I have learned how to use the invaluable tools available...
One of the most fundamental guidelines for properly understanding the Bible is known as the “literal principle.” We should read and understand the Bible literally. The Literal Principle is just one of a set of established rules for solid and faithful interpretation of...
Titus Bible Study
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