Hardship has been part of the human story since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden and sin entered the world. But, why? Our all-powerful God could prevent every evil and difficulty if He chose. So, why doesn’t He? Why does God allow suffering in the lives of...
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Christian suffering and persecution. Since Jesus walked the earth, His followers around the globe have been ridiculed and persecuted for their faith. But we haven’t experienced much of it here in America. But our culture is...
Life is filled with hard things. Situations that simply don’t feel fair. My mother suffers from the latter stages of Alzheimer’s. It’s a cruel disease, for the patient and the family. And some days, when my emotions get the best of me, I question...
Christmas often comes with high expectations. We think everything has to be just so. Perfect decorations. Perfect family. Perfect gifts. Perfect meal. Perfect Christmas. Our culture perpetuates this fantasy. In the dozens of made-for-TV Christmas movies, the girl...
Feeling discouraged? Need a bit of hope? There is no better place to go to find hope and encouragement than God’s Word. And the book of Psalms is a great place to begin. (Note: This post is a giveaway! Read to the end to find out how to enter!) Recently, I...
You know the old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going?” Ever wonder just where all those tough people get going to? Well, we know the saying doesn’t mean a place. It’s a proverbial observation of the human condition. When...
Titus Bible Study
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