Fruit of the Spirit: Plant, Cultivate, and Grow is a 6-session Bible study that will help foster spiritual fruit in your life. God intends for us, His children, to bear fruit. According to Jesus, when we follow Him closely our lives will produce “much” fruit (John 15:5).
Many of us are familiar with the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians chapter 5 – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control – but is the Spirit’s fruit evident in our lives? Are our lives producing an abundant harvest or are we in serious need of some spiritual fertilizer?
Whether we need some major pruning or just a little shaping up, all of us could benefit from studying and applying what God’s Word says about the fruit of the Spirit. This free study will take you on an easy stroll through Galatians 5:16-25.
Each session of the study you will Plant God’s truth in your hearts, Cultivate your own life to receive that truth, and take action to help it Grow! Here are a few things you’ll learn in Fruit of the Spirit: Plant, Cultivate, Grow
- What are the characteristics of a “fruitless” life?
- What does it mean to “live by the Spirit?”
- Just what is “fruit” anyway?
- Am I “fruity?”
- What should the fruit of the Spirit look like in my life?
- How can I improve my harvest?
Even if you’ve studied the fruit of the Spirit before, this study will be different. If you do the study, I’d love to hear from you about what God is teaching you!
Thanks for this teaching. I am prepared to learn more about the fruits of the holy spirit. Be blessed Kathy
I am much interested and prepare to learn about the fruit of the holy spirit. Please guide me.
I want to know Christ deeper and grow in my faith
I was so happy to find this teaching!
I’m anxious to begin; I’m much in need!
I hope you are encouraged!
Hi, how can I obtain the study for the fruits of the spirit? The link doesn’t seem to work. I love your studies.
Hi Jenny, thanks for letting me know there was a problem. I have the link fixed and I also emailed you.
Thank you Kathy for the break down of the Fruit of the Spirit. I appreciated you explaining the letter from Paul to the Galatians. It was so enlightening for me. Today my vision is not the strongest but it is easier to sometimes study from my computer and you did a great job with the study. I will continue to follow you and your writings on various topics and scriptures in the Bible. I tend to study a lot in the word and I am part of a Bible Study Group. Thank you!
June, I am so glad you found the study helpful!
Cannot open week 2 through 6 on Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study
Oh dear! I will work on getting that fixed!
Cannot open week 2 -6 Fruit of the Spirit studies
So sorry for the trouble! I have corrected the problem. Please try again!
my name is angie iam saved but i have been under a strong attack .but iam batteling anger .i need prayer .i notice i need self control and gentelness .i do love God i just got to learn to let God fight for me .
Angie, may God surround you with His protection and hold you close.