Did the title catch your attention? Let me repeat. God’s grace is not free.
Yes, it’s true that we cannot earn or buy God’s grace. But even though He gives it to us freely, His grace is far from free.
The Bible tells us that God loves us and desires to have a relationship with us:
- God is love… (1 John 4:16)
- This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent (John 17:33)
- God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him… (Acts 17:27)
But no matter how great His love, His holiness cannot ignore our sin. His justice demands payment. True, God’s grace costs us nothing, but it cost God His Son.
Oswald Chambers elaborates on this truth in his classic devotional, My Utmost for His Highest:
The great miracle of the grace of God is that He forgives sin, and it is the death of Jesus Christ alone that enables the divine nature to forgive and to remain true to itself in doing so. It is shallow nonsense to say that God forgives us because He is love. Once we have been convicted of sin, we will never say this again. The love of God means Calvary – nothing less! The love of God is spelled out on the Cross and nowhere else. The only basis on which God can forgive me is the Cross of Christ. It is there that His conscience is satisfied. – Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, November 19
God’s love desired mercy. But God’s justice required that the price for sin be paid. God demanded the death penalty for our sin and then provided it Himself through the death of Christ. God loved us enough to pay the cost of grace Himself.
God demonstrated His great love for us by sending His Son (Romans 5:8)
How great the lavish love of our God! (1 John 3:1)
“Grace” is translated from the Greek word charis. Charis is God’s divine favor, goodness, kindness, and acceptance freely bestowed on those who are undeserving. He gives it with no expectation of return. It’s motivated by His own boundless love.
God’s grace has far-reaching effects. His grace secures our redemption, equips us for ministry, strengthens us for endurance, transforms us into the likeness of Christ, and fills our hearts with His overwhelming joy and peace.
Oh no, God’s grace is not free. But it is priceless.
In what ways have you experienced the priceless gift of God’s grace?
I have to admit that the title got me curious. Knowing you from reading your blog, I knew there would have to be a catch. 🙂
It certainly cost everything to Jesus. How grateful I am that I can receive His gift of salvation. I did’t deserve it or earn it. How thankful I am for His grace and mercy. I love reading Oswald Chambers too.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings and love,
Hi Debbie! Praise God that Jesus was willing to pay the price for us! I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving as well!
Hi Kathy,
Very interesting comments and eye catching headline! God’s grace is indeed free for it costs you, myself and indeed His children all over the world nothing and I mean absolutely nothing! Of course this grace, that is the grace of God, that we all enjoy free of charge because we did not pay for it, cost our Heavenly Father a great price – the life of His dear Son, Jesus Christ and our Lord and Saviour. “Freely have you received and freely give” (Matthew 10:8)