Kathy Howard

unshakeable faith for life

The 5 Ps of the Lord’s Prayer

The 5 Ps of the Lord’s Prayer

Do you struggle with prayer? Many of us do. Even Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1). Jesus’ response, found in both Luke and Matthew, is commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. But some biblical scholars suggest it would be more accurately...

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Older Entries

Who Wrote Hebrews?

Who Wrote Hebrews?

Today, most scholars admit that we don’t know who wrote Hebrews. However, the church’s opinion about the identity of the author has changed over the centuries.  Quick history of Church’s Opinion No evidence from the first century exists today. Support for Paul as...

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How is Easter Connected to Passover?

How is Easter Connected to Passover?

Years ago, some Jewish friends invited us to join them for Seder, the ceremonial meal that begins the Passover festival. Passover commemorates God’s deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt. This is the meal Jesus ate with His disciples in the upper room on the...

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The #1 Way to Know God’s Will

The #1 Way to Know God’s Will

There have been moments I wished God would send me an email to tell me exactly what He wanted me to do in a particular situation. I desperately wanted to know God’s will, so I could do the right thing, but I wasn’t sure what the right thing was. Most Christians...

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Titus Bible Study

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