The tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas has been heavy on my heart and mind since I first heard about it during lunch on Sunday. I have been praying for everyone in that small community – the church members, their families, those ministering to them, law enforcement officials. And the family of the shooter.

Those of us watching from a distance feel the shock waves. Every time it comes to mind, let us pray. Let us ask God to comfort them with His presence. And may He protect them from anger and bitterness. May their grief cause them to draw near to God and not turn away.

Sutherland Springs, Texas

Many – those directly affected and those of us watching – may be struggling with those age-old questions. Questions like:

Where was God? Why did God allow this horrible act of violence?

We must grab hold of the truth we know from God’s Word and remind others of that truth. God did not cause this devastation. Yet neither was He unaware or powerless. So again, why?

Why did God allow this?

I don’t have all the answers. But I know, I know, that God is loving, kind, and faithful. And He is good all the time. People make choices. They even make horrific choices that lead to horrific acts. But those acts do not negate who God is. And I also know that God was there. He is still there. And in the wake of this evil, He will do what only He can do.

This morning, I read Psalm 91:3-4 with the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on my mind. As I read, “He will deliver you… He will cover you… you will not fear,” I asked God what that looked like for His children in that church on Sunday morning.

God pointed me back to the truth of His Word. the Bible says that we will indeed have trouble in this world. But God also promises to be with us in the waters, to walk with us through the fire (Isaiah 43:1-2). He promises to protect and deliver. I believe all this is true.

Was God in Sutherland Springs?

God was in Sutherland Springs on Sunday morning. And He was still God. Evil men might choose to kill, but they can never take what only God can give – spiritual life, eternal life with Jesus. Sometimes God delivers His people from trouble. Sometimes He delivers us in the midst of trouble. And sometimes He delivers us through trouble. But He always, always delivers us.

On Sunday morning, God delivered 26 people through trouble, all the way to His side in glory. The world is full of trouble. There are days when evil seems to prevail. But under God’s protective arm is always the safest place for us to be.

Yes, let us pray. But let us also watch for God’s power and activity in the midst of this heartbreak. And let us glorify His name even as we don’t fully understand. We can trust that He does. Our all-powerful, sovereign God will not allow His purposes to be derailed. Praise His name.

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