Many things puzzle me. I have questions about a host of random, non-life-threatening issues. Here are a few examples:
- How can mothers always hear the baby cry in the night, but fathers rarely do?
- Why can’t I find a pair of jeans to fit my body?
- How do I always end up in the slowest line?
- Why is my hair neither curly nor straight?
- Why does 1 ounce of chocolate contain more calories than 1 ounce of fruit?
Okay, I realize there is a logical or scientific answer to most of these questions. But I don’t know them. And in the big scheme of things, the answers to these particular questions aren’t really all that important anyway.
However, some questions are critical. You might even say some questions are a matter of life and death. The answers to those questions matter greatly.
In first-century Jerusalem, the question at the top of everyone’s list was this:
Who is the Messiah and when will He come?
They’d been waiting centuries for the Anointed One to come. The Messiah would save them, redeem them, give them hope and a future.
Who is the Messiah and when will He come?
Most of them missed Him when He did come, but a few did not. And after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, those few began to give the answer and the number of people who had the answer grew.
Who is the Messiah and when will He come?
And every day, in the Temple and in their homes, they continued to teach and preach this message: “The Messiah you are looking for is Jesus.” Acts 5:42, NLT
Jesus was the answer to the biggest question in Jerusalem in the first century. Jesus is still the answer today for life’s biggest questions. And not just in Jerusalem, but everywhere.
Why am I here?
What is the meaning of life?
Is there life after death?
How can I know God?
Yes, life is complicated and hard and unfair and messy. And giving everything to Jesus doesn’t magically “fix” everything. But He is the answer to the big questions and He has the power and authority to take care of everything else in His time and way if you’ll depend on Him.
Have you ever given your life to Jesus? If not, why not today? Let Him be the answer to all your big questions. (Find out more about a relationship with Jesus.)
Titus Bible Study
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