life in the womb

Sunday, January 23rd is “Sanctity of Human Life” Sunday. This observance emphasizes the intrinsic value of all human life at every age and life stage. It particularly focuses on the value of life in the womb.

A very real battle continues to rage in our country between “pro-life” and “pro-rights.” We are debating the question, “Does life in the womb have any rights, and if so, what and when?” This war is being fought in our courts, in our legislatures, in the news, on social media, and even in our families.

Many heart-breaking circumstances surround this issue. I have friends who’ve had abortions. And I have a dear friend whose birth mother became pregnant due to rape but chose life for her baby. There are millions of stories on both sides and no easy answers. (See “5 Reasons a Christian Woman Might Consider Abortion.”)

I have hesitated to publicly address the topic of abortion. It’s an emotionally charged, very personal issue. Both sides have very strong opinions. The politicians, philosophers, and pundits all have opinions. Everyone sounds right and no one does. So how do we know what’s right?

My Opinion Doesn’t Matter

As a Christian, the way I feel about something must take a backseat to what God’s Word teaches. I must let God’s truth – as He has revealed it in the Bible – inform and shape my opinions, beliefs, and actions.

You may already know that the term “abortion” does not appear in the Bible. But many timeless truths found in Scripture do specifically apply to this topic. In fact, Christians need to use this same process to deal with every issue in our lives and in the world around us today. Even when something is not specifically mentioned in Scripture we will find eternal spiritual truths applicable to every life situation.

Christians must go to God’s Word. This issue is simply too important to make an “uninformed” or even biased decision. As followers of Jesus, let us take the responsibility to do this in every area of our lives. Let us search the Bible for spiritual truth and apply it to our daily decisions, relationships, and society issues.

5 Spiritual Truths to Shape Our Stand on Life in the Womb

 So, what does Scripture say that we can apply to the issue of abortion? While there are many other passages and truths I could cite here, these five spiritual principles speak most directly to the topic.

  1. God values all human life– Each and every human being has intrinsic value because we God created us in His image. In fact, each person is so valuable to God that He has decreed the death penalty for anyone who takes the life of another human. (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:5-6)
  2. God purposefully and personally forms the unborn life in the womb – God is intimately involved in the formation and development of unborn life. He sees each life in the womb and knows the number of his or her days. (Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 44:24)
  3. God knows individuals and establishes purposes for individuals before they are born– God has a purpose and a plan for every individual. God determines these even before we are formed in the womb. He calls us to our purpose before we are born. (Galatians 1:15, Jeremiah 1:5)
  4. God considers the unborn child to be a life worth protecting– In the Old Testament Law, if someone’s actions caused an unborn child to be born prematurely and the child died, that person’s life was required as punishment. It was considered murder. “Life for life.” (Exodus 21:22-25)
  5. God declares children a gift, a “reward” from Him– Children are not only created and formed by God, they are also given to us by God. From beginning of the Bible to the end, children are considered blessings, not problems. (Psalm 127:3-5)

What Should We Do?

As believers, let us show the world what we are for, not what we are against. Let us proclaim love, not hate or condemnation. We are not against women who are strangled by their circumstances; we are FOR life. Let us help the unwed mother. Volunteer at a pregnancy help center. Take a pregnant teen into our home. Adopt. Foster. Give. Let us back our talk with our resources. Let us not only stand for life, let us lovingly ACT for life.

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